39 reasons you should hire (me as) a professional coach

Simone Bocedi
11 min readMay 2, 2023


Image by jcomp on Freepik

Today I turn 39, and I am the happiest I’ve ever been.

I think the biggest impact to turn my life around has been starting to take action on all the personal development books (more than 300 by now…), the podcasts, and the seminars I’ve consumed in the past years.

Before you take action, everything you absorb is just preparation. Someone told me the definition of KARMA is a set of actions over a period of time. You do something, and a reaction is what you see.

The more I went deep into the personal development rabbit hole, the more I noticed all the people I was following and reading mentioned their professional coaches as a clear help to get where they were. It seems that you can only get so far alone. But to unleash everything you carry within, a third party is the way to go.

Coaching is a big buzzword, and you find a lot of charlatans out there claiming to be able to coach you after a weekend seminar. I wrote extensively about what is coaching and how it can help you so hopefully you can find one that’s right for you.

Being an over-achiever, I decided to get a certification as a professional coach myself, with one of the best coaching schools out there, iPec.

And what a journey has been. 9 full-day seminars, 80+ hours of weekly webinars, and 200+ hours getting coached and coaching. I’ve studied on flights, late evenings, and weekends. More than ever, I practiced. A lot.

So why should you hire (me as) a professional life coach?

(Yes, this post is cheeky, I know, but if it’s not me, get another one, I have a lot of friends from iPec ready to help you :).

Here are 39 ways that a life and professional coach can help you:

1- A life coach can help you clarify your goals and determine which ones are most important to you. Assess your current situation, identify what you want to achieve, and determine the steps you need to take to get there.

2- What is your purpose? Everyone talks about living a more purposeful life, but what does it mean for you? Find out with your coach, then try to reach it, one step at a time.

3- How do you show up to different situations in your life? Is it the way you like to show up or is there a better way to show up and react to what is happening for you?

4- Where are you focusing your energy? Which area of your life are you sacrificing to achieve a higher level in another part? Take a look at your wheel of life and reflect on it. A life coach can help you develop better time management and organizational skills, and create a plan for managing your time more effectively.

Where your focus goes, your energy flows.

- Tony Robbins

5- A session could end with a big goal plan… or just with an increase in self-awareness about a specific area/topic. Self-awareness is the first step towards change. It’s what Tara Braich refers to as the R in her RAIN approach (Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture).

6- What limiting beliefs are stopping you to get everything you ever wanted? Success in life is less a question of opportunities and more of what we do with what we have. What is stopping you to unleash the power within? A coach can help you identify and surpass these limiting beliefs.

7- We’ve been talking about goals, but goals aren’t enough. A life coach can help you create a plan of action to achieve your goals; creating a roadmap for achieving them. Professional coaches can help you break down your goals into smaller, actionable steps and create a timeline for achieving them.

8- Maybe it’s all just in your head! No problem. A life coach can help you develop a positive and empowering mindset by overcoming negative thought patterns and developing a more positive outlook on life. They can help you identify your strengths and focus on your achievements, rather than your failures. Win-win situations are a thing anyone could tap into.

9- What do your friends do when you tell them of your plans? I tell you, even more, your friends may be the reasons you’re not growing. A coach is not invested emotionally and can offer candid feedback and guidance.

10- How do you hold yourself accountable? A life coach can hold you accountable for your actions and help you stay on track. They can help you identify obstacles and challenges, and develop strategies for overcoming them.

11- How are you doing on self-esteem from 1 to 10? A life coach can help you build self-confidence and self-esteem: A life coach can help you develop a more positive self-image and build self-confidence and self-esteem. They can help you identify your strengths and accomplishments, and focus on your positive qualities.

12- How do you keep your relationship from dying? Are you having an intense relationship with your partner, kissing and dancing together in the middle of the house, and having passionate sex often? A professional coach can work with you on what’s stopping you from loving the way you want to love.

13- Every interaction in life is communication. A life coach can help you improve your communication and interpersonal skills. Effective communication and interpersonal skills are important in both personal and professional settings. Want to develop these skills, and improve your ability to connect with others?

14- We talked about focus. We all have 24 hours a day, all of us, including all the people you admire and are, according to you, successful. How do they do it? One way is to have a better work-life balance. Is a healthy and sustainable work-life balance possible? Of course, it is. A coach is there to help create a balance that’s right for you.

15- Another reason the people you admire are successful is most likely due to discipline. A life coach can help you overcome procrastination and increase your productivity. A life coach can help you identify the root causes of procrastination, and develop strategies for overcoming it.

16- “Im not good enough”, “I am not prepared enough”, “I don’t have the right certificate”, and on and on and on. Which one is your gremlin? Who is the monster holding you back? A coach can help you name it, dress it, talk to it and get rid of it. Wouldn’t that be glorious?

17- When I talk to stressed colleagues or friends what mostly comes up is a life full of anxiety and way too busy. It’s not great to live in a situation that is overwhelming and debilitating. A life coach can help you develop coping strategies for managing stress and anxiety.

18- Are you content with your core relationships? A life coach can help you improve your relationships with others, whether it’s your partner, family, friends, or colleagues. Maybe you need to get better at managing conflicts or negotiations. Whatever it is, find out and work to get better at them. Many of my clients feel like they’re not dedicating the right quality time to their kids. As a coach, we discuss about it and find ways to be and feel better as a parent.

19- How do you decide the important things in life? A coach can help you make better decisions and choices. We are full of tools to help you make the right decisions, and no, it’s not a simple pro/contra list. Understanding your decision-making skills and making better choices now and in the future.

20- Big decisions are often part of transitions in life. A life coach can help you navigate career transitions and changes, be more aware of what’s happening around you and how can you turn the situation in your favor.

21- What about developing a growth mindset? They say that whether you grow or you die. A growth mindset is creating a belief that your abilities and skills can be developed. Together with a professional coach, you can focus on continuous learning and improvement.

“Fear and self-doubt have killed more dreams than failure ever will.”

Suzy Kassem

22- Fear and self-doubt can be major obstacles to achieving your goals and unleashing your gifts to the world. A professional coach can help you identify them and, that’s right, you got it by now, overcome fear and doubt.

23- One of my tattoos says “MEMENTO MORI”, literally “Remember that you will die”. What would it mean to live a more fulfilling life, so that every day we’re content with what’s going on? Identify what is truly important to you, and create a more meaningful life.

24- They didn’t really teach us finance in high school, and yet many are talking about being financially independent or retiring early, and yet a 5,000€ bill scares the shit out of them. What is your rich life? Would you like more clarity in your financial journey? Ask a professional coach to help you make sense of it.

25- I strongly believe we are all leaders. As parents, partners, friends, managers, and children, we find ourselves leading one way or another. If you want to become a more effective leader in your personal life or at work, a life coach can help you develop the skills you need to lead with confidence and effectiveness.

26- Have you talked about health yet? The base for everything, health is the most important building block in a life full of success. I learned how to eat and live healthily for real a couple of years ago, and even if some habits have changed, I’m still very healthy. How are you doing with your health? Is everything alright or is there something you could improve? As with everything else, we need to create long-lasting changes, not fast diets or actions that can help you in two months only. How to live longer and healthier? A professional coach can help you figure it all out (and your health journey doesn’t have to match mine of course, that’s just showing that… it is possible :)

27- Or maybe we just need to develop a more positive body image. A life coach can help you overcome negative body image issues and develop a more positive relationship with your body. They can provide support and guidance as you work towards building self-confidence and self-love.

28- The more I grow the more I learn how saying NO is more important than saying YES. Boundaries and assertiveness skills are important for setting limits and communicating your needs effectively. A life coach can help you learn how to set boundaries that are healthy and effective.

29- What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? What are you doing to develop the former and work on the latter? That’s right, nothing much. A life coach is there to help you recognize and set plans to get better at both.

30- When was the last time you took a look at your emotional intelligence? It is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. A life coach can help you develop this skill, and use it to build better relationships and achieve your goals.

31- Do you struggle with public speaking or presenting? This is also something we have to do often one way or another (depending on the job). As a professional coach, I can help you develop the skills needed to communicate effectively in front of others.

30- One of my clients quit smoking after one (ONE!) session. What vice would you like to give up or take a look at? How many times are you getting drunk in a month? Is that a healthy number? Are you escaping from something? Wanna talk about it? Yup, life coaching can help.

31- Talking about partying… we celebrate people grinding and achieving the max results…. but how’s your “fun” category? Do you take the time to chill, relax, spend time with your friends or even just yourself appreciating and enjoying life, with nothing else to do but have fun? This is something I personally got coached on, and I found new habits to relax with friends.

32- One of the most common threads among my clients has been launching a new venture, be it a side job or a full-time entrepreneurship career. There is a lot to work on when it comes to a new company. From marketing to finances, to even just understanding how it will impact your time, family and friends. A professional coach can help you navigate these uncertain waters and find some solace in understanding all the different aspects of entrepreneurship.

33- Another thing I strongly believe in is that everyone is creative in their own way. The difference comes down to how much we trust our creative intuition and how many blocks we believe in. A life coach can help you tap into your creativity and develop strategies for overcoming creative blocks or self-doubt.

34- To each and every one of us, life has been unjust. Trust me, when you look for it, we all deal with adversity and obstacles. It is what you do with what happens to you that really makes a difference in how you live your life. A coach can help you deal with adversity, be more resilient and find a new perspective in challenging situations.

35- A sister of the one above. When a problem arises, do you feel blocked and don’t know what to do? A life coach can help you develop better problem-solving skills and head on more productively and effectively.

36- Be your one true support. I talked with people who have dreams, but their family and friends are not supportive. A coach can be there next to you, following your journey, championing when needed, and have a no-bullshit no-strings-attached approach. Sometimes, we just need someone to spar with, to listen to us vent or make sense of the chaos we have in our heads. Sometimes, we have the need to dig deeper into ourselves, and a non-judgmental third party like a coach can listen, support, and be there for you, no matter what happens or how you behaved.

37- What is the level of impostor syndrome you feel from 1 to 10 in your current job? For some, this is a real issue, that scratches into their self-confidence and performance. A coach can help you understand where the thought comes from, how to overcome it and finally feel liberated to be and do the best you can.

38- There’s a quote among the lines of: “Love grows when people serve.” I personally believe that part of the reason we’re on this Earth is to serve, to help others. Just like the word “success”, also “helping others” can have whatever meaning you give it. How are you helping others? A coach can help you explore and dig deeper into it and have a plan to help even more those around you.

39- This is one of the most important reasons to get a professional coach, but I kept it for last hoping you’d read this one even if you skipped a few. The reason we’re unhappy in many situations in life is often a result of our core values colliding with our actions. When you find a balance between your values and your actions, you’ll find a balance in your life. Which ones are your core values? If you don’t know, a coach can help you discover the few that guide your life and find ways to live in harmony with them.

Since I found out about mine and live according to them, my life has been nothing but exceptional.

In summary, hiring a professional life coach can provide a wide range of benefits, from helping you identify and achieve your goals to improving your communication skills and emotional intelligence. Whether you’re looking to overcome a specific challenge or simply want to achieve greater success and fulfillment in your personal and professional life, a life coach can provide the guidance and support you need to get there.

36 to 40, what a journey

At 36, I learned to be healthy.

At 37, I thanked people smarter than me for what they taught me.

At 38, I quit drinking.

At 39, I am coaching as a side job.

Can’t wait for 40 to come along.

And if you think a professional life coach can help you makes sense of this messy thing called life, let me know and either me or one of my friends can assist you.



Simone Bocedi

On a mission is to inspire others to be the best versions they can ever be.