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They’re shooting a documentary about you: WWYD?
“If there was a film crew following you around all day documenting your success, you’d do all the things successful people do.”
I read the above sentence on the Brain Food newsletter and it has been nagging at me ever since.
A documentary about your life is being shot: what would you like to see?
What I believe is that there IS already a film crew around you.
It’s you.
You’re the film director, the screenwriter, the director of photography, the costume designer and of course, no one else but you is the main actor in your own biopic.
The audience is your future you. And your 8-year old self.
The audience is also your loved ones, your kids, your partner and your friends, although they’re all witnessing your movie through their own lenses.
Do they like what they see in your movie?
Do you like the film you’re shooting about yourself?
Are you filming a comedy or a drama?
Or are you filming a hero’s journey?