Is Coaching Right for You? A Comprehensive Guide

Simone Bocedi
6 min readMar 31, 2023


They say coaching is the secret to achieving Work-Life balance, but is it the right choice for you? Let’s look at the advantages, disadvantages, and costs of coaching.

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Good university, good job, maybe children. You’ve followed the “right path”, you were supposed to be happy by now, so why aren’t you?

“If only I were given the right opportunity, I could be capable of much more.”

And yet, when the opportunity presents itself, you don’t take it.

Why is that?

You’re not broken. The reason is most likely that you need help in unlocking the potential within.

Coaching: The Key to Personal and Professional Success

Below we’ll go through what performance coaching is, its benefits, the impact a coach can have on one’s professional and personal life, how much it costs, and why you should (or should not!) reach out to one.

Coaching has helped millions of people around the world transform their lives and I can account first-hand for its impact. I’m a better father, a better husband, a better friend, and a better colleague because of coaching. Or maybe, it has helped me align a bit more with my values, which is all one really needs to start the change.

I’ve seen people opening new businesses, quitting smoking, or deciding to heal years-long broken relationships because of coaching.

What is performance coaching?

My favorite definition is that coaching is a series of thought-provoking conversations that move people from ordinary to extraordinary.

According to the ICF (International Coaching Federation), “the powerful difference between a regular conversation and a coaching conversation is that a coaching conversation has an outcome. The coach partners with his or her clients to establish a meaningful outcome for each session that helps them to make progress towards their overarching goal for the coaching engagement”.

Coaching sessions always have an outcome, which could be as clear as a set of strategies, three steps to reach X, or simply reaching a higher awareness about an internal block, fear, or recurrent behavior. Being aware of something is the first step toward changing patterns.

Coaching creates the space in which you can act and grow a better version of yourself.

Unlock Your Potential: The Benefits of Coaching

If we get down to details (and lists), getting a coach has quite a few clear benefits:

  1. Clarity: A coach can help you clarify your goals and priorities. By asking the right questions and helping you reflect on what matters most to you, a coach can help you gain clarity on what you want to achieve and why.
  2. Accountability — Coaching provides a structured environment for individuals to set goals and be held accountable for achieving them. This level of accountability can be difficult to achieve on your own, and a coach can provide the necessary support and guidance to keep you on track.
  3. Objective and Actionable Feedback — It’s difficult to get honest feedback from colleagues or friends, but a coach can provide objective and constructive feedback that is essential for personal and professional growth.
  4. Work-Life Balance — Many individuals struggle to find a balance between their work and personal lives. A coach can help individuals prioritize their commitments and develop strategies to manage stress and avoid burnout.
  5. Faster Progress: With a coach, you can make progress faster than you would on your own. By providing you with customized strategies and feedback, a coach can help you achieve your goals more efficiently and effectively.
  6. Support: Finally, a coach can be a source of emotional support and encouragement. By believing in you and your potential, a coach can help you overcome self-doubt and stay motivated on your journey.

How much does coaching cost?

As with everything in life, it depends. Coaching can vary from as little as “an exchange” session (where you provide something in return for a session — you pay with your services) to thousands of $ for an hour with an expert world-famous coach, to… everything in-between. You can find expert and certified coaches for about $120–350/per session. You get the best deals and the best outcomes by going for longer-term programs. Three to six months of coaching relationships are usually advised if you want to see long-lasting changes.

Getting coached every 2 to 3 weeks is what I’ve noticed being quite the norm, but as said, you may wanna meet every week or once a month. I would advise against meeting less frequently as accountability tends to wind down in the third week after the sessions.

Should I get a coach?

If after all of the above, you’re not scared but intrigued, then yes, I would suggest you look for a performance coach to help you unlock your true potential, surpass internal blocks, and balance the different areas of your life.

I met several brilliant coaches in my career and if you write me I can suggest one, depending on your needs.

I am a coach too (duh). I focus on helping parents of young children who struggle to balance their career, personal dreams, and family life. Many are giving up on passionate love with their partners and a healthy lifestyle in exchange for stress and a social media presence that it’s more positive than how they really feel.

I show them you can have it all. We work together on finding more purpose and work-life balance. My clients create joyful and memorable family moments and often they end up also rekindling that fire that made them fall in love with their partners in the first place. Sex, relationships, and a successful career go hand in hand with personal development. If you feel great about yourself, everything else will slowly fall into place as well.

When coaching is NOT right for you — by ChatGPT

The only people who should avoid coaching are those who… need therapy instead? …. I have been here trying to find other reasons why you should not get a coach and I could not come up with much. So as with any writer’s block nowadays, I asked ChatGPT.

“It would not be fair or accurate to make a blanket statement that performance coaching is not good.

That being said, here are some situations where performance coaching may not be helpful:

  1. Lack of commitment: If you are not fully committed to the coaching process or willing to put in the effort required to make changes, coaching may not be effective for you.
  2. Financial constraints: Coaching can be expensive, and if you cannot afford to invest in it, it may not be a viable option.
  3. Wrong coach: If you do not find the right coach who understands your specific needs, goals, and personality, coaching may not be helpful. It is essential to find a coach who you can trust and who has the skills and experience necessary to help you achieve your desired outcomes.
  4. Medical conditions: Coaching may be inappropriate if you have a medical condition or mental health issue that requires medical attention. In such cases, it is essential to seek medical advice from a licensed professional.
  5. Lack of clarity: If you are not clear about what you want to achieve or do not have a clear understanding of your goals, coaching may not be effective. It is essential to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve and the steps required to get there.

In conclusion, while there may be situations where coaching may not be helpful, it is not accurate to say that performance coaching is not good. Coaching can be a valuable tool to help individuals improve their performance”.

I agree, ChatGpt.

From Ordinary to Extraordinary

I hope this short blog has shed some light on coaching and whether it’s right for you.

Remember: you are not broken.

You always have a choice to change your life for the better. Always.

Maybe, you just need a coach.



Simone Bocedi

On a mission is to inspire others to be the best versions they can ever be.